Are you on the road to recovery and learning how to build a support group? Your own personal support network will become vitally important to your recovery. Although sobriety is a personal endeavor, you do not need to do it alone. Having the support of your loved ones will motivate you and keep you on track towards your pursuit of a long, happy, healthy and sober life.
Identify trusted friends and family members
Your closest friends and family members are likely already aware of your addiction and recovery journey. To that end, they will be happy to hear that you are making strides towards sobriety.
When building your support group, think about friends and family members who are great listeners, honest and willing to help. Ask each person if they would be willing to support your recovery by way of your personal support network. Know that some may feel uncomfortable or ill-equipped to be part of your support group, but this is not a reflection of their care for you.
Communicate openly about your struggle with addiction
You will only be able to sustain your sobriety if you are honest with yourself and with your loved ones about the state of your recovery. As hard as it may be, refrain from hiding things from your support group – the good, the bad and the ugly.
If you feel positive and secure in your recovery, with a defined roadmap for moving forward, share that with your group; they will want to celebrate with you. If you slipped up and used substances during your recovery, share that with the group as well; this will give them a good idea of where you are in your journey and will allow them to advocate for the help you need.
Meet regularly
Treat your personal support group as if it were a regular support group. Decide, as a group, on regular meeting dates and times so that each member can arrive prepared. Whether you meet in person or via a video conferencing platform, holding actual support group meetings can help legitimize the endeavor. The routine of regular meetings will also help add stability to your daily life in recovery.
Make time for support
Your recovery and sustained sobriety is, arguably, one of the most important endeavors in your life. Make sure you attend all scheduled support group events, and be fully present during each of them. This method will only work insofar as you take it seriously.
Perform non-recovery activities together to keep you healthy
Building a support group is effective for staying on track during your recovery journey, but don’t forget to tend to your relationships outside of the context of your sobriety. Host weekly or monthly dinners with your support group so that everyone can get to know each other better, and you have opportunities to spend time together without the focus being on your sobriety.
Find an athletic friend or family member and make plans to attend an exercise class or go for a run together. Remember that each individual is in your support group because you love and support one another.
Allow your support group to keep you accountable
It’s never fun to admit when you’ve made a mistake, especially to close friends and family members. The truth is, recovery and sobriety are often non-linear paths. Mistakes are to be expected, and your support group will need to be kept up to date so they can effectively support you. Honesty might feel uncomfortable in the moment, but lean into your group’s suggestions and hear out their concerns.
Integrate your recovery program into your support network
High Focus Centers PA offers inpatient, outpatient and educational support programs for individuals facing addiction. Upon completion of your addiction program, you can continue employing the skills you have learned through your own personal support group. Reach out today at (610) 644-6464 to determine which level of care is best for you.