• Ensuring that Your Prescriptions Don’t Land You with a DUI Charge

    748 words|3.7 min read|

    Driving under the influence is a serious crime. Not only are you endangering yourself physically, but you could harm another person or cause damage to [...]

  • Drunk driver drinking behind the steering wheel of a car

    What is the True Cost of a DUI?

    965 words|4.8 min read|

    No one wants to end up with a DUI charge. Even if you don’t know the exact cost, you know that a DUI can have [...]

  • Mug of frothy beer with handcuffs and keys symbolizing drunk driving arrest

    DUI vs DWI: Understanding the Difference

    893 words|4.5 min read|

    A DUI or DWI charge is a serious offense. The financial and legal consequences are intense, not to mention the emotional toll for all those [...]

  • Two trucks driving on a snowy road

    Preventing DUIs During the Holidays

    821 words|4.1 min read|

    During major holidays, people throughout the country increase their alcohol consumption, and Pennsylvania is no exception. According to the Pennsylvania DUI Association, 10% of all [...]

  • A police officer pulls over a driver for driving under the influence of marijuana

    Can You Get a DUI for Marijuana Use in Pennsylvania?

    633 words|3.2 min read|

    Most people are aware that driving under the influence of alcohol can lead to a DUI conviction. But can you get a DUI for marijuana [...]

  • A man examines a prescription medication that has been legally prescribed to him.

    Can You Get a DUI for Driving on Legal Drugs?

    860 words|4.3 min read|

    Most often, when we think about DUI charges, we think of driving while under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances. But can you also [...]

  • man covering face with hands sitting on couch

    Do I Have to Tell My Employer About My DUI Charge?

    852 words|4.3 min read|

    If you were arrested or convicted of a DUI, you are probably wondering if you should tell your employer. Or, more importantly, if you have [...]

  • Man driving under the influence of alcohol

    How to Stop Your Loved One from Drinking and Driving

    958 words|4.8 min read|

    Preventing a DUI is never your responsibility. You can only make decision for yourself, and your loved ones have the free will to make their [...]

  • woman writing on whiteboard

    Preventing Addiction with Education in DUI Programs

    732 words|3.7 min read|

    Rehabilitation centers offer drug and alcohol education programs to teach people about the risk of addiction. Often called “DUI school” or “DUI classes,” this type [...]

  • judge gavel

    What Is A DUI/DWI Court?

    726 words|3.6 min read|

    When you receive a DUI, you usually face charges in a criminal court. However, in some cases, you may be able to go to a [...]

  • man outside of building

    Finding Value for Court Mandated Treatment

    782 words|3.9 min read|

    While some people believe that court mandated treatment isn't as effective as other people argue, there are actually numerous benefits to court mandated treatment for [...]

  • man drinking beer

    Preventing DUI’s During a Night Out

    966 words|4.8 min read|

    In 2019, over 1 million people were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigations. [...]

  • man sitting and thinking

    Driving Under the Influence of Drugs In Pennsylvania

    853 words|4.3 min read|

    You can't undo a charge for driving under the influence of drugs in Pennsylvania. Once you've committed the crime, it's in the books. However, understanding [...]

  • couple sitting apart

    First DUI Offense: What is the Treatment?

    762 words|3.8 min read|

    A DUI arrest may be a first-time mistake, but it can also be a sign of a substance abuse problem. Learn how first time DUI offenders are treated.

  • police officer and breathalyzer

    Pennsylvania DUI Laws and Penalties

    768 words|3.8 min read|

    The Pennsylvania DUI laws call for penalties, fines and jail time. Learn about the consequences of a DUI and how first-time offenders are treated.

  • man thinking outside while sitting

    You Got a DUI, Does This Mean You Have a Substance Abuse Problem?

    746 words|3.7 min read|

    An arrest for driving under the influence (DUI) may be a one-time mistake, but it can also signal a substance abuse problem. Learn more here.