Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Depression
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a technology that was established in the 1980s and FDA-approved for the treatment of Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD) in 2008. There have been many randomized controlled studies that have found TMS to be beneficial to help resolve TRD following its FDA approval. TRD, in general, is depression that does not respond to traditional pharmacotherapy. With TRD, symptoms of depression do not completely resolve or change at all, despite adequate medication management. Transcranial magnetic stimulation utilizes a magnet similar to an MRI machine, but on a much smaller scale. This magnet is placed on your scalp to [...]
How to Overcome Self-Sabotage
For individuals trying to make positive changes in their lives, self-sabotage can be a big issue that prevents them from reaching their goals. Self-sabotage can lead to feelings of failure, frustration, and poor self-esteem that create or exacerbate mental health issues. One common example of self-sabotaging behavior includes telling yourself you are trying really hard in therapy, or at anything for that matter, when you know deep down that you could be trying harder. This behavior creates the illusion that you are doing something to address or overcome your problems when in reality, your problems will continue to exist because [...]
How to Cope with the Loss of a Parent, Sibling or Loved One
There is nothing simple or straightforward about the end of life and death. Especially when it comes to losing someone close to you — like a parent, sibling or friend — the emotions, thoughts and feelings that arise can be confusing, overwhelming and almost too much to handle. As convenient as it would be to have a rule book about how to handle each emotion as it comes up, and what to do with each overwhelming or negative feeling, no such thing exists. The best we can do during these challenging times is to educate ourselves on healthy coping mechanisms [...]
Imposter Syndrome: It’s More Common Than You Think
Do you struggle with thinking like everyone around you has it figured out and you're making it up as you go along? Do you feel that everyone else knows what they're doing and you're just an actor? If you struggle with feeling competent or confident, you may be experiencing imposter syndrome. While not a clinical diagnosis, imposter syndrome is a pattern that can be changed. In this article, we'll answer what imposter syndrome is, what causes imposter syndrome, what symptoms you can spot and how to overcome imposter syndrome. What is imposter syndrome? Imposter syndrome is a pattern of thinking [...]
How to Identify Your Core Values
You've probably heard the phrase, "Those who stand for nothing fall for everything." Often attributed to Alexander Hamilton, this quote holds some significance in regards to the concept of core values and identifying those ideas and values which guide your decision-making. And it makes sense – if you don't value anything, if you don't allow your life to be dictated by some moral compass, you'll probably allow yourself to get away with everything. Sounds a little chaotic and unstable, if we're being honest. What do core values have to do with it? Core values are exactly what they sound like: [...]
How the Change of Seasons Affects Your Mood
You might be familiar with the term "seasonal depression" indicating the more depressed moods some people feel once the warm days of summer start to wane and the longer nights of fall and winter begin to set in. You yourself might have firsthand experience of this condition. What some don't realize, however, is that seasonal depression — formally known as seasonal affective disorder — is actually a real mental health condition that you don't have to handle on your own. With the right self-care tools, you'll be equipped to handle seasonal affective disorder and capable of continuing through even the [...]
Adulting 101: Understanding Failure-to-Launch and How to Overcome It
You've surely heard the stereotypes of recent and not-so-recent college graduates who move home, mooch off their parents' groceries and have little motivation to pursue a career. While the stereotypes can be comical, the reality of the situation has become so common that clinicians have developed language to describe this dilemma that faces parents and their older children. What is failure-to-launch? Failure-to-launch syndrome, while not a clinical diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, is a term commonly used to describe an adult who struggles to manage the transition to independent adulthood. Failure to launch syndrome tends [...]
When Mental Health Professionals Should Consider a Referral
Reviewed by Jodi Jaspan, MS, LPC In order to provide the best client care, mental health professionals must know when to consider a referral. According to the American Mental Health Counselors Association, a leading organization designed to support mental health professionals, first and foremost counselors must not abandon or neglect their clients.1 That doesn't mean the counselor must stay in the counseling relationship. When a mental health professional determines that they can't benefit the client and the client still needs assistance, a referral is the best option. Best Referral Practices When a mental health professional uses a holistic approach [...]
Howdy Partner! Counseling is a Partnership
The relationship a person has with a therapist or counselor is often called the "therapeutic alliance." This bond of trust and growth is the key to successful healing and effective practice. If you're a counselor, social worker, therapist or other mental health specialist, here's what you need to know about the partnership within counseling relationships. What is the therapeutic alliance? The relationship between a mental health care expert and a client is called the therapeutic relationship, or therapeutic alliance. This relationship can be appropriate, professional and useful resulting in a positive experience for the client. The relationship can also be [...]