A “Celebrating Sobriety” Gift Guide
It’s easy to overthink gift-giving, especially for those of us who don’t have a natural instinct for gifting. We put expectations on ourselves to give the perfect gift, when, in reality, a gift that is personal and thoughtful most often does the trick. But when it comes to gift-giving for a friend or family member in recovery or maintaining a sober lifestyle, it can feel a little more difficult. What can you get them that not only respects their sobriety or sobriety anniversary but is personal, thoughtful and important? What about birthdays or holiday gifts for friends and family who [...]
Relapse Prevention Techniques You Need to Know
For someone who has a loved one in recovery, relapse can be a person’s worst nightmare. Returning to drugs or alcohol can make sobriety seem out of reach and cause family and friends to lose hope, cut ties or give up. Relapse is scary, but it’s not uncommon. In fact, the National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that between 40 and 60 percent of those going through treatment for alcohol or drug addiction will relapse at some point. Some schools of thought consider relapse to be a part of the recovery process. While relapse may occur during your loved one’s [...]
Can I Help My Loved One Find Treatment?
For anyone combating a mental illness or substance use addiction, it can be challenging for their friends and family to sit by and watch. As a loved one, you’re likely to feel a strong desire to help them help themselves—but how can you do this in a way that isn’t forceful, yet still encouraging? No matter who you are, change is something that must come from within in order for that change to last. For this reason, anyone with a mental health illness or addiction must first have the desire to change their lifestyle. Does that mean you, as the [...]
How Does Drug Addiction Affect Relationships?
Drug addiction often impacts more than just the person struggling with the disease - in addition, their friends, family, coworkers and partners can also feel its effects. Some days might feel hopeless, but it is entirely possible to maintain a healthy relationship with a loved one facing addiction. What is person-first language, and what does it have to do with relationships with individuals struggling with drug addiction? In order to foster healthy relationships, we must hold love and respect for the other person in the relationship. There are a lot of pejoratives to describe those challenged by drug addiction - [...]
Understanding Your Role in a Family Member’s Substance Abuse Battle
When one of your family members is struggling with substance abuse, you might feel useless, helpless and even confused by the situation. You might not understand the motivations behind their actions, the way the substance works on the brain or the mental and physical challenges faced when recovering from an addiction. Nevertheless, no matter how you personally feel about the situation, you have a role to play - many of those who successfully saw recovery to completion insist on the impact a close-knit group of family and friends had on their recovery. So even if you don’t know what to [...]
Coping with an Addicted Family Member
Learning that a family member is struggling with an addiction is a life-changing experience. At first, you may be hyper-focused on making sure they get the help they need. While that focus is understandable, it’s important to make sure you and your other family members get the help that you need as well. Addiction is a family disease and has likely impacted each of your loved ones – and yourself – in some way. Make sure that you consider your own mental and emotional health. This will enable you to provide your loved one with the support they need to [...]
5 Meaningful Holiday Gifts for Someone in Recovery
Gift giving during the holiday season can come with lots of challenges, including the pressure to find the perfect gift. If someone close to you has recently started their journey on the path to recovery, or has been in sustained recovery for some time, you might find yourself wanting to commemorate or celebrate their journey through your gift. While that might feel like a daunting task, there are countless beautiful, thoughtful gifts you can purchase or create for your loved one. And no matter what the gift is, as long as it comes from a place of love, you are [...]
3 Recommended Addiction Memoirs
For thousands of years, books have been used to educate people, to inspire them, and to entertain them. Books can be helpful to people with addictions, people in recovery, and their loved ones for the same reasons. When a parent or friend of someone with an addiction reads a memoir of someone in recovery, it helps them to understand and empathize, ultimately helping them help their loved one. Reading a memoir of a person in recovery can inspire someone in active addiction to get help; it can give them hope that they too can recover. Someone in recovery who reads [...]
Are You Enabling Your Loved One?
The term “enabling” is often linked to substance use disorders because of addiction’s tendency to be a family disease. Enabling refers to thoughts, feelings, attitudes, or behaviors that can unintentionally help someone’s addiction continue or get worse. The key word of this definition is “unintentionally”. Most often, family members who enable do not realize how their actions are negatively impacting their loved one. Their intention is to help their loved one, not to make them worse. Are You an Enabler? So how do you know if you are helping or enabling your loved one? Below are some common examples of [...]
How to Help a Friend Through Substance Abuse
Are you concerned about someone who is trying to cope with substance abuse? Read to learn how you can help a friend through substance abuse and addiction.
What to Say to a Coworker Returning from Treatment
You have a co-worker returning from treatment. What do you say? What's the best approach to show your concern without being nosy? Here are some tips.
The Role of Family Therapy in Addiction Recovery
An involved family in addiction recovery can have a huge impact on their loved one's success. Learn what family members can do to help everyone involved.