Substance Use Teletherapy: New Platform, Same Care
You’ve heard it countless times, but allow us to say it once more: the pandemic threw a lot of traditional ways of life out the window. Many individuals around the world are still trying to figure out what normal looks like for them, while still maintaining daily routines. And in the meantime, we’re still trying to respect social distancing procedures, quarantines and lockdowns. It’s been a tough balancing act, to say the least.
Given how many individuals are currently seeking help in managing mental health concerns, teletherapy has seen a natural rise in popularity and use. With limited available access to in-person counseling, more and more individuals are turning to virtual counseling as the norm, which prompts many questions from those seeking counseling services. Is teletherapy confidential and secure? Am I still conversing with a licensed counselor? Will I experience the same benefits that traditional counseling offers?
We made sure that the answers to these questions remained a resounding yes. No matter what changes need to be made to accommodate COVID-19 safety protocols, dedication to your health and recovery will never waver.
The teletherapy difference
One of the most important factors in substance use recovery is the building of connections. This might mean rebuilding connections with old friends, with family, with others in counseling small groups or with the counselors themselves. With teletherapy, the importance of the human connection does not go away. You will still meet face-to-face with a therapist, as well as participate in virtual group counseling sessions. The only difference is that the entire session happens via your phone, computer or tablet screen. Conversations remain the same, connections are still built and relationships are still encouraged and fostered.
Is teletherapy for me?
Teletherapy is another form of outpatient treatment, so if you’ve attended inpatient or detox therapy and are looking to continue your recovery from substance abuse, teletherapy offers a verified option for effective treatment. Plus, you can participate no matter where you live. Rehab After Work offers services from any of our locations in PA, so you can still receive the care you need no matter where you live.
Additionally, teletherapy isn’t just step two after inpatient treatment. It could be highly beneficial to speak with a licensed counselor if the threat of addiction or unhealthy coping methods looms. Especially with uncertainty defining our typical daily routines, unhealthy coping mechanisms continue to rise. Asking for guidance from a counselor, whether or not it is fully an addiction you find yourself battling, is likely to offer new perspectives, considerations and coping methods centered around your health and wellness.
What to expect during teletherapy
One of the greatest benefits of teletherapy is the fact that it happens completely on your schedule – no wait times, no commute. You don’t need to carve out a large portion of your day to account for the drive to and from your therapist’s office, nor do you need to waste time sitting in a crowded waiting room. With the total privacy of your own home, you can schedule your session whenever works best for you, and chat with your counselor from the safety of a space you prefer.
At Rehab After Work, we use the confidential, HIPAA-compliant video streaming service BlueJeans. Before your session, you will be given a code with which to login and join. You can be confident in the total privacy of the session, whether it be one-on-one with a therapist or with a small group. Aside from the fact that conversations occur via a screen, the rest of the session will proceed as normal.
How to prepare for a teletherapy session
You’ll want to find a quiet, comfortable room in your home, free of unnecessary distractions, in order to get the most out of your conversation. If you’re using your computer, consider leaving your phone in another room to minimize distractions.
While on the call with your therapist, treat the interaction just as you would any other counseling session. Refrain from engaging in other tasks or activities, in order to be fully present and absorb as much as possible from the session.
H2: Teletherapy benefits
The only difference between traditional therapy and teletherapy is the computer screen. You will receive the same care, compassion and guidance from your counselor whether or not you’re together in the same room. As you progress through your teletherapy program, you can expect an increase in mental wellness, stronger relationships with family and friends, healthy boundaries to reduce relapse risk and better career possibilities. Rehab After Work promises to keep these goals at the forefront of every client’s journey, no matter what. Call (610) 644-6464 today or reach out online, to begin your journey toward freedom through substance use teletherapy.