woman peaking with counselor
Published On: November 29, 2016|Categories: Treatment|

Over 23 million Americans struggle with substance abuse and could benefit from treatment, but every person’s addiction story is a bit different. Even when the same or similar substances are in use, each case of addiction is influenced by an individual’s health, history and unique needs.

While group therapies can be very effective and provide the benefit of community, sessions naturally must be generalized to meet the demands of the whole group. For some people, this approach to addiction treatment may not be the most effective strategy. Rather, a treatment program designed to meet the client’s particular needs may be far more conducive to achieving and maintaining long-term recovery.

Every story is unique

While there may be similarities between many peoples’ different journeys with addiction, there is no such thing as a “typical” case of addiction. Factors that differ from person to person include but are not limited to:

  • The substance being abused;
  • The extent of the addiction;
  • Underlying mental or physical conditions that fuel the addiction;
  • Environmental factors that may contribute to substance abuse;
  • Triggers that may provoke a relapse.

In light of the variety of these factors and more, it is clearly impossible to have one single course of treatment that meets the need of every client. Individualized treatment is takes each of these factors into consideration to design a successful treatment plan that is personalized to the individual.

Understanding the benefits

Perhaps you are still wondering whether treatment is the right option for you or your loved one, or if now is the right time. Let us explore addiction treatment benefits for important insight into why individualized treatment comes so highly recommended by experts. Some of these benefits include:

  • Identifying and addressing any physical conditions or diseases that may occur alongside a case of addiction;
  • Identifying and treating any psychological conditions that may fuel addiction;
  • Treating all aspects of addiction: physical, mental, social and spiritual;
  • Uncovering past traumas that may lie at the root or contribute to addiction;
  • Providing a solid recovery network that can eliminate the social isolation of addiction and recovery.

In addition to these important benefits of individual addiction treatment, specialized treatment plans can also lower the risk of relapse. Addiction is a chronic condition, relapse is nearly guaranteed to be a part of your journey to recovery.

Preventing relapse is possible though, through careful planning, a strong support system and a firm resolve to live differently. You will be far better equipped to navigate the road to long-term recovery when a treatment plan is tailored to your unique needs and concerns.

What to expect from treatment

Although these treatment plans tailored to each person have unique differences, they all address three fundamental issues of addiction: withdrawal, physical and mental health and aftercare resources. These are the pillars which lie at the foundation of all addiction treatment which are then adjusted to meet each client’s specific needs.


Withdrawing drugs and alcohol from the body initiates a massive change in the brain which can lead to an unpleasant, sometimes highly uncomfortable experience. Withdrawal is defined as the physical and mental repercussions associated with ceasing drug use. Symptoms include but are not limited to:

  • Fatigue;
  • Nausea;
  • Anxiety;
  • Mood swings;
  • Depression;
  • Changes in appetite;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Sweating;
  • Shakiness;
  • Trouble sleeping.

Individualized treatment will give you or your loved one various strategies to persevere through this difficult time and challenge of withdrawal, and emerge triumphant.

Physical and mental health

Addiction recovery is a full physical, mental and emotional journey. Caring for your physical and mental health during this time can play a key role in lasting success. An individualized treatment plan will likely include nutrition and exercise guidance, recommended lifestyle changes and strategies to improve mental and emotional health.

The improvements and positive changes resulting from addiction treatment will likely first be perceptible through physical signs, such as increased skin health, improved sleep and muscle health, among others.

The use of medication in addiction recovery varies person-to-person, as it can be beneficial to some. Some people may do best without pharmaceutical support, while others may require medication to address co-occurring disorders. Others may experience the benefits of medication to help manage cravings and help prevent relapse. A personalized treatment plan will help to discover what is right for you.


You have many options when it comes to follow-up recovery care. Whether you choose an inpatient program, outpatient therapy or a combination thereof, an individualized plan will help you find the best fit for you.

Addiction recovery can feel very overwhelming; remember, you are not alone. Rehab After Work is here for you with many different treatment options that will best support you on the journey to a new version of yourself. Contact us today, or call (610) 644-6464.

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