Published On: September 15, 2022|Categories: Mental Health, Treatment and Therapy|

Traditionally in Western medicine, patients struggling with psychological conditions or disorders have been simply prescribed medication and then sent home. If that medication didn’t work, they would return for a new prescription, and the cycle would continue until one finally “worked.”

Medication is indeed sometimes necessary and can be effective at managing psychiatric conditions. But, it isn’t a cure-all, and shouldn’t be considered the only option for individuals struggling with mental health or psychiatric challenges.

Interventional psychiatry can effectively manage, relieve and sometimes even resolve altogether psychological conditions, especially when paired with traditional treatments.

In this article, we’re going to take a closer look into what exactly interventional psychiatry is, who it can best help, as well as the short- and long-term benefits.

What is interventional psychiatry?

Interventional psychiatry — also sometimes referred to as neuromodulation — is a specialized field within psychotherapy that uses alternative psychiatric treatment modalities to treat psychiatric disorders.

This is done by adjusting the faculty brain networks that have been recognized to often be at the root of the majority of mental illnesses. Some of these treatment modalities can include transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), and deep brain stimulation (DBS). These methods are often used in addition to therapy, and sometimes medication.

Here at the Light Program, we offer several different psychiatric services, the utilization of which will depend on your individual circumstance. We believe therapy is vital to the healing process, psychiatric services can be very beneficial, and medication is only sometimes necessary.

What is it used for?

When you’re struggling with a mental health condition that requires specialized care, conventional pharmacologies — such as medication adjustments — aren’t always effective.

Interventional psychiatry is used for individuals whose particular mental health conditions have been unresponsive to standard treatments. It isn’t limited to patients within this category alone, but they are the ones who typically benefit the most from it.

The top benefits

By utilizing more than just conventional treatment modalities, doctors do not have to be so aggressive with medication dosing, and and patients will not have to rely so heavily on medication.

Some of the short-term benefits include:

  • Ability to ease off of medication
  • Relief from depression symptoms
  • Relief from anxiety and mania symptoms
  • Relief from compulsory or intrusive thoughts and behaviors

Some of the long-term benefits include:

  • Not having to use medication long-term
  • Improved overall mental health
  • Stabilized mental and emotional state
  • Healthier and more positive thinking patterns

The more widely accepted and practiced alternative treatment modalities in the medicine world, especially interventional psychiatry, the more we can see sustainable recoveries in the mental health community.

Reach out to learn more

If you’re struggling with a mental health condition, whether formally diagnosed or not, reach out to us here at the Light Program.

Specializing in mental health treatment, our mission is to support individuals on their journey to recovery through a variety of physical and psychiatric services.

One of our primary goals is to help you rebalance your mental and emotional state so that, in addition to returning to healthy everyday functioning, you can pursue and access the highest quality of life possible.

To learn more about how we can help you or someone you love, call us today.

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