Published On: September 16, 2022|Categories: Recovery|

When you’re going through recovery and wanting to continue the other areas of your life, such as your job, it’s more than possible.

One of the hardest aspects of achieving a work balance in recovery is being sure to make time for each, as both addiction recovery and a job (part- or full-time) can easily becoming all-consuming.

In this article, we’re going to discuss the best practices for balancing your work and recovery so you can maintain sobriety and confidently move forwards in your career and life.

Tips for balance in recovery

When it comes to achieving a work balance in recovery, here are nine of our best tips.

1. Manage your expectations

Balancing work and recovery is going to be a challenge. You might find that you’re filled with a passion to be successful in both areas of your life, eager to right any past addiction-related wrongdoings. Hold onto your enthusiasm, just be careful not to hold yourself to too impossible of a standard that causes you to take on more than you can handle at this point in your recovery.

2. Don’t rush your efforts

Rather than take on an abundance of responsibilities, whether in work, recovery, or both, start small and work your way up. Begin with accepting duties in both areas of your life that you know without a doubt you can easily balance. Gradually increase your workload and recovery efforts so you can maintain balance in your recovery and not worry about “teeter-tottering” over.

3. Practice good time management

Nobody is born with time management, and many of us die without ever having learned this invaluable skill. While most of us can (barely) get away without truly mastering the art of time management, when you have to balance work and recovery, it’s essential. Research time management techniques and “time blocking”; read, learn and master this skill.

4. Show up early

Have you ever heard the saying, “Showing up early is on time; showing up on time is late?” Showing up early — to work and your treatments — impresses mentors and managers, and enables you to start your shift or session without the unnecessary stress of being late.

5. Regularly check in with yourself

Self-awareness is a powerful skill that enables you to know your needs on an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level. It helps you recognize when they’re being met and when they aren’t. Take some time at the end of each week to take an honest look back and identify the patterns in the days that went well, and the days you felt you were struggling.

6. Take care of yourself

As great as it is to be self-aware, knowledge is useless unless it manifests through actions. When you find something that positively contributes to your work and/or your recovery, keep it in your life, even explore similar avenues to amplify its effects. On the other hand, when you identify something that’s hindering your ability to foster a work balance in recovery, make the necessary adjustments.

7. Build healthy habits

This could mean establishing a morning routine, an evening routine or both; developing the habit of meal prepping; committing to exercising on certain days; beginning a gratitude journal; reading self-improvement books; and so much more.

8. Take advantage of an EAP

An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is an employer-sponsored program that’s embedded within the company and designed to help you manage non-work issues (such as addiction) so as to help protect your career and overall quality of life. If you aren’t sure if your organization offers an EAP, keep an eye out for fliers in the breakroom, resources on the company website, or perhaps even a clause in your employee contract.

9. Contact us for additional information

Seeking help in recovery, for whatever reason and at any stage, is one of the smartest decisions and greatest signs of strength you can have. Our top priority is your recovery, but for us to help you maintain sobriety, it has to be your top priority too.

At High Focus Centers PA, we’ve built a diverse team of medical professionals who are passionate about helping people regain sobriety and rebuild their lives into the one they envision.

We offer both drug and alcohol treatment, and all of our programs are designed to support your unique needs, goals and even personal schedule. 

To learn more about our programs, send us a message or give us a call.

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